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Monday, August 27, 2007

Thief Full AF Walkthrough

THF AF1: The Tenshodo Showdown


Marauder's Knife ( Lv 40, Dmage 15, Delay 195, DEX +2, AGI +2)


Windurst Woods / Cat Burblar's lair (J-3)


Nanaa Mihgo


Talk with Nanaa Mihgo in Windurst Woods (J-3), then go to the Tenshodo HQ in Lower Jeuno, talk with the first person there.

You are given an assignment to find a Galka thief in Selbina.

Talk to the woman behind the counter at the hotel in Selbina, the Galka thief will appear.

He says he will sign the envelope if bringing him some Quadav Stew. This can only be STOLEN from Garnet/Silver/Zircon Quadav in Beadeaux.

Note: an easy way to do this is to stand by the zone, pull the Quadav with ranged, steal, and flee.

Once you get the stew trade it to the woman behind the counter of the hotel in Selbina, the Galka will reappear.

Head back to Jeuno, talk to the same Tenshodo you talked to before.

THF AF2: As Thick as Thieves


Rogue's Bonnet ( Lv 54, Def 23, HP +13, INT +5, Parry +10, Steal +1)


Windurst Woods / Cat Burblar's lair (J-3)


Nanaa Mihgo


Talk with Nanaa Mihgo (J-3), she asks you to get letters signed by 2 thieves.

One of them is in Sauromugue Champaign and the other is at the Goblin Junk Shop in Lower Jeuno.

Head to one of the towers in Sauromugue Champaign, you will see a ??? which will summon Climbpix Highrise (lvl 55).

Defeat him and get the Grapnel. Remove ALL your equipment and trade the Grapnel to the ??? at the tower north of the Gausebit Mountains (I-7/8).

A Tarutaru Thief will appear and sign the first letter.

Next, head to the Goblin Junk Shop in Lower Jeuno, Beat at dice and he'll send you to Dangruf Wadi.

You'll need at least 2 of each: Rock Salt, Lizard Egg and Gausebit Grass.

First, trade the Rock Salt to the ??? point at (F-7). Saltnix (lvl 0-0) appears. Beat him at dice and head to (F-4).

Trade the Gausebit Grass to the ???. Grasslix (lvl 0-0) appears. Beat him at dice and head to (F/G-11).

Look for a fake wall and walk through it. Fall down the hole and head left.

Trade the Lizard Egg to the ???. Eggvix (lvl 0-0) appears. Beat him at dice and go to the northeast corner of Dangruf.

Take the geyser and follow the path to Drachenfall.

Stay to the right wall , you'll come to another ???.

When ready examine it, Gambilox Wanderling (lvl 53) appears. Kill him and examine the ??? again to get the Regal Die.

Go back to the Goblin Junk Shop and trade it to Sniggnix. He'll get the thief to sign the letter.

Return to Nanaa Mihgo.

THF AF3: Hitting the Marquisate


Rogue's Poulaines ( Lv 60, Def 13, HP +12, DEX +3, Ice resist +10, Tonzura(splint) duration up, Steal +2)


Windurst Woods / Cat Burblar's lair (J-3)


Nanaa Mihgo


Talk with Nanaa Mihgo, she sends you out to confirm the signatures from 2 more thieves.

First go to the Jewelry Store in Lower Jeuno and talk to Yatniel, he ask for 4 Quake Grenades. Trade them and you get your first confirmation.

Next go to Mhaura and talk to Hagain in the Inn.

Hagain gives you something and you must take it to a ??? in Garlaige Citadel to draw out a Bomb.

Examine the ??? 7 times to get it to come out.

Pull it with a ranged weapon, no magic. It may explode and you'll get no drop if you use magic to pull.

Retrieve the Ash and take it to Nanaa Mihgo.

Go to Ordelle's Caves to a ??? on the path from a room full of Napalm.



Rogue's Vest ( Lv 58, Def 44, HP +20, STR +3, Earth resist +10, Hide duration up)


Castle Zvahl


Treasure Coffer

The key is dropped by, Arch Demon , Doom Demon

Recommended PT configutration: 6 members of LV58 at least (for the key).

THF AF GLOVES: Borghertz's Sneaky Hands


Rogue's Armlets ( Lv 52, Def 15, HP +10, DEX +3, Ice resist +10, Steal +1)


Upper Jeuno / Durable Shields




1. Talk to Guslam, after clearing AF1 Quest.

2. Treasure Coffer of Monastic Cavern

The key is dropped by Orcish Farkiller and Orcish Dreadnought.

Coffer is found around H-11.

Recommended PT configutration: 6 members of LV55 at least.

3. You will receive "The Old Gauntlets (Key Item)".

4. Talk to Guslam of Upper Jeuno (Durable Shields).

5. Talk to Yin Pocanakhu of Lower Jeuno (Tenshodo).

6. Investigate the "???" by the tax-free shop in Port Jeuno (H-8), Event will start.

7. Make a contract with Bolghertz

8. Investigate the Torch in Castle Zvahl Baileys, Map1 (F-8).

9. A NM called Dark Spark (lvl 55) (Bomb) will appear, you have to defeat it.

10. Investigate the Torch again, you will receive "Shadow Flames". (Key Item)

11.Investigate the "???" by the tax-free shop in Port Jeuno (H-8), and get the Item.



Rogue's Culotte ( Lv 56, Def 32, HP +15, AGI +4, Sheild skill +10, Steal+1)


Castle Oztroja


Treasure Coffer

The key is dropped by Yagudo Conducter, Yagudo Flagellant, and Yagudo Prelate.

The coffer is found in the room with a pond where Yagudo Parasites flock together or on the stairs upward or downward there.

Recommended PT configutration: 6 members of LV58 at least (for the key).

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